
23 April 2025


Website Builder

This is a timeline block. Click on the blue gear icon to set the number of items in this timeline. You don't have to code to create your own site. Select one of available themes in the Mobirise sitebuilder.

23 April 2025


Mobirise Kit

This is a timeline block. Click on the blue gear icon to set the number of items in this timeline. All sites you create with the Mobirise web builder are mobile-friendly natively. No special actions required.

19th November 2020


Training is the Best Learning

Delivered a website-building session today for the British Library - their national Start-Up conference. I was keen to do something different - and as I am not a website designer, nor coder, I had to do something different. 

The great thing of being asked to do these presentations is the research. This time I checked through what I thought I knew about current practice - and added it into a slideshow as I went.

Fine. And dandy.

Landing pages, drop shipping, MVP (Minimum Viable Product), latest design trends - all sorted now. And then a new acronym - MSG - that I can develop or use again. 

I had a small idea of what I wanted to show people - about managing web designers and coders and how to make your decisions about your web presence and was then guided by the images available. This focussed the words I could use - and the acronym. By doing this in plenty of time I could sleep on some choices and let the back of the brain do its thing.


MSG worked for my website too - which of course needed brushing up quick-style ready for the national show. And here it is. MSG is a good focus for making decisions. You will be able to see the presentation once I get the video from the British Library.

I also learnt that MS Powerpoint has its own built-in image library now. Yay! Lots of Creative Commons images for free use. And I used the chance to learn Mobirise which is a lovely web-building space. Some quick help replies from DashNexPages also helped and I think I now have a good system for running my website. All paid for ha! No more ongoing hosting charges! Yay!

I will return to the site - like this Blog there are things to be tried out. (So nice not to be using Wordpress.) But yeah - if you ever thought of teaching & training as another income stream - do it.

You properly learn things you might otherwise think you know, but actually don't. And by making up your own guru acronyms you will realise the things you didn't know you know. Learning.

Check out my Address the Room to get an easy -to-use method for stress-free and super-engaging teaching, training or presenting.

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